Lord, I have no idea what lies forward for me this present day, however you understand. I depart all issues in your fingers and place myself at your disposal. Do for me as you understand greatest. Assist me prosper in all I do. Give me success if it’s your will. However, if you understand that crosses and disappointments are higher for me, educate me to additionally settle for them from you, bear them humbly and cheerfully, and to say, “Father, not my will, however yours be executed.” God, preserve me joyful as I serve you. Preserve my conscience clear. Let me do nothing, say nothing, want nothing opposite to your will. Give me a grateful spirit. I reward you for all you will have given me, and for all that you haven’t given me. Amen.
Tailored from Bishop Ashton Oxenden (1808-1892), revised from Prayers Historical and Fashionable.
Prayers Historical Made Fashionable (annotated) is offered in print and on Amazon Kindle by means of Amazon.com.
Based mostly on Prayers Historical and Fashionable initially chosen and organized by Mary Wilder Tileston, 1897. Now in public area.
This version, Prayers Historical Made Fashionable, revised by Paul C. Stratman, copyright © 2024. All rights reserved.
Reprinted from Prayers Historical Made Fashionable, copyright © 2024 Paul C. Stratman.