Christian Culture & History

What Are the Keys of the Kingdom?

On this episode, Jonathan Leeman joins Kirk E. Miller to debate the theologically advanced passage of Matthew 16:19 and...

Spiritual Growth

Good Faith

I’ve Failed. That is the Solely method Ahead

I’ve failed.  Your important identification isn’t primarily a operate of your exercise.  Your final identification is that you're in the end beloved unconditionally. I obtained...

Truth for Life

How God’s Course of Prepares Us for Our Goal

“Each department that does bear fruit He prunes in order that it is going to be much more fruitful.” – John 15:2Nobody enjoys being...

How Can I Be Saved?

Daily Devotionals

Theological Explanations

An Enchantment to Ezekiel 34 –

“I'm the nice shepherd. The nice shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (John 10:11). Most Christians are aware of the image...

The Sanctifying Energy of Refusing Secrets and techniques

When Jesus had completed saying all this stuff, he mentioned to his disciples, “As you recognize, Passover begins in two days, and the Son...

Lenten video collection – Concordia Theology

Throughout the season of Lent, church employees encourage their group to deliver penitent hearts to the Lord. We plan Wednesday evening providers, rehearse...

A Completely different Method to Bible Time

There are numerous completely different approaches to studying the Bible. I like to learn in large chunks, for instance. However I even have...

Christian Family

Rekindling the Coronary heart of Your Marriage

Marriage is usually portrayed in films, songs, and literature as an ideal fairy story the place love is effortlessly and conquers all obstacles....

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